Holmes On Homes Podcast


As a Holmes Approved Homes partner, we adhere to the high building standards Mike Holmes is known for.

Now you too can learn everything there is to know about quality home construction!

Inspired by the success of Mike Holmes’ TV shows, the Holmes on Homes podcast brings in-depth discussions Mike Holmes has every day with industry experts as part of his research and learning to Make It Right.

From how to build a healthy home to choosing quality products for your home, and improving the quality of water in your house, this podcast covers a variety of topics to help educate home-owners, builders, and contractors on how to do it right. 

Your current and future home will thank you – get listening!

The Holmes on Homes Podcast is available on all major streaming platforms including: 

Learn more in The Ultimate Healthy Home podcast with Mike Holmes

READ NEXT: Home Maintenance

About Effect Home Builders and Holmes Approved Homes:

Effect Home Builders is a Mike Holmes approved builder and renovator. Being part of the Holmes Approved Homes program means each home built by Effect is inspected by Mike Holmes Inspections at various stages of construction. The result? Simply a better built home.


8819 92 St. NW
Edmonton, AB T6C 3P9






8819 92 St. NW
Edmonton, AB T6C 3P9



